Saturday, September 03, 2005


WHEN WE travelled to Singapore over a year ago we were told that this particular week was the week of the Singapore Food Festival. Our glossy brochure informed us that there were 10 delicacies distinctive to Singapore that we must try.

The first on the list was chicken rice. How sumptuous this sounded! My mind was filled with images of rice carefully boiled with a selection of flavoursome herbs, and chicken lavishly cooked in a rich sauce with vegetables, spices and a hint of curry. I imagined the flavours rolling over my tongue.

Our hosts, Jo's cousins, were gracious enough to take us out for this dish - although we should have read more from the reaction on their faces at our choice of dish.

The meal served before us was aptly named. Simple plain white boiled rice served with pieces of unflavoured fried chicken.

Distinctive cultural delicacy? Jo and I were astounded! That's like heating up a glass of tapwater and calling it a uniquely Australian beverage. What baloney!

The list of food had lost all credibility, and so for dinner the following night we relied on our hosts recomendations and went out for Chilli Crab - tops! Guess what I'm hoping we'll be eating for dinner tonight!


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