AS WE entered Lijiang Old Town - a girl ran out to heckle us about accomodation. This is a standard feature at any transit hub in China so I ignored it.
"She says we can stay at her house", Kathryn explained, "I think its worth a look". Strange as it seemed - in this place I was ever ready to defer to Kathryn's judgment.
The girl lead us through the doors of a hotel, out the back, through a family a room containing a TV and ricecooker and into a pleasant courtyard. There were lockable rooms ajoining the courtyard that Kathryn bargained down. Jo and I got a room with a double-bed & TV for 3 nights for less than AU$20 total.
Lijiang is built on a river. Not beside or around, or next to, but on top of. Four 'mini-canals' of rapidly flowing water run through the city. Frequently they are filled with goldfish and koi, swimmming against the current.

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